- Art Basel Paris


Sanlorenzo has been the global partner of Art Basel since 2018. As art director, Piero Lissoni, together with Lissoni Associati, curates the fit-outs for each edition, realizing evocative installations for the Collectors Lounge featuring the works of invited artists, while Lissoni Graphx curates the corporate identity, realizing the graphic design, invitations and the presentation booklet dedicated to the featured artists.

Art Basel, Paris 2023 / Sanlorenzo Arts, with photos by Andrea Garuti

Photographer - Francesco Caredda

Web Design / Tommaso Cavallini; Text / Alice Caudera, Laura Cucchi, Donatella Brun; Translation / Richard Peace; Content management / Giorgia Maretta, Laura Presti, Constanza Coscia; Web development / Friweb.
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